Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

[crime / thriller ] harry brown


The film opens with the gang initiation, involving the taking of drugs and holding a pistol, of a boy on a council estate in South London, in another scene right after apparently filmed on a mobile phone, three gang members harass and shoot dead a mother walking her child while joyriding around the estate on a motorcycle. While fleeing the murder scene, they speed across a road in front of an oncoming truck and are also killed. The titular Harry Brown (Caine), an elderly former Royal Marine and Northern Ireland veteran and Royal Marines Commando, suffering from emphysema, wakes to news of these deaths over the radio. With his wife sick in hospital, in order to visit her Harry must cut through a public underpass which is a gathering spot at all hours by local thugs and gang members.

Though seeing the increasingly brutal facts of life on the estate (including a man beaten for attempting to intervene when his car is broken into by a gang of youths) Harry is unwilling to get involved. In fact, it seems his only real friend is Leonard (Bradley), another pensioner who complains that hooligans put dog faeces through his letterbox and spit on him. The pair play chess at a pub run by Sid (Cunningham), who takes kickbacks from a pair of drug and arms dealers, which Leonard cannot forgive but Harry is willing to ignore. That night Harry is informed his wife is dying, but in order to reach the hospital before she passes away he must go through the underpass, something he is scared enough not to do. By the time he finds an alternative route to the hospital his wife is already dead. After the funeral, Leonard confides that he can no longer take the insults and indignities the youths foist upon him and he shows Harry a First World War bayonet he has taken to carrying in his jacket. When Harry tells him he should put the knife away and talk to the police, Leonard admits he has done so but they ignored him. That night Leonard wakes in his flat to find someone has put burning dog faeces through his letterbox.

The following day Harry is informed by DI Frampton (Mortimer) and DS Hicock (Creed-Miles) that Leonard was murdered in the underpass. Members of a local youth gang, including Noel Winters (Drew), are arrested but refuse to answer questions, and are released. Although sympathetic, Frampton admits to Harry that because Leonard was murdered with his own bayonet the crime will be put down to manslaughter or self-defence, which appalls Harry even more. In the aftermath of Leonard's funeral (which only Harry attends in full), Harry gets drunk at Sid's pub and, while walking home, is attacked by one of Winters' recently released gang members (Oakes) with a knife hoping to rob him. In a drunken daze, Harry's muscle memory from his Royal Marines training takes control and he turns the knife on the robber, killing him. Rushing home and washing the blood off himself, he decides on some sort of vengeance.

Harry follows one of the drug-dealers, Kenny (Gilgun), from Sid's pub to a squalid den and manages to talk himself inside on the pretext of purchasing a pistol to "shoot pigeons on his roof." The drugged-up dealers are growing copious amounts of cannabis and making pornography, and when Harry arrives, one of the girls abused in these videos is sprawled on the sofa suffering from a drug overdose. The scarred and sinister dominant one of the two dealers, Stretch (Harris), explains that he keeps her in a drugged state in order to use her as a prostitute. Harry recommends the dealers phone for an ambulance to help the girl, and after being threatened with a pistol ends up killing both the dealers, setting fire to the cannabis and driving the comatose girl to a local hospital. The police are further confused at the seemingly random killings of the dealers coupled with the "rescue" of the girl. Harry now has fire-power.

Further surveillance of the youth gang (including more theft and assault) leads Harry on to kill a major drug-trafficker and kidnap Marky (O'Connell), a newly inducted member of the gang (who, we were told earlier, has been sexually abused throughout his life and is seen here giving oral sex to the trafficker for drugs). Harry tortures the boy and threatens to kill him, whereupon Marky admits footage of Leonard's murder was recorded on his phone. After watching the footage, and knowing who among the gang committed the murder, Harry takes the boy (bound in sellotape and on a dog's leash) down to the underpass, where Winters and another gang member are making out with underage girls. After a tense scene in the darkness, the ensuing gun battle sees Winters escape, Marky and another gang member killed, and Harry suffering an emphysema attack, leaving him to be taken to hospital.

Certain that the murders of drug-dealers are related to a gang-war, Police Superintendent Childs (Glen) orders an operation to arrest major players in the estate's criminal fraternity. DI Frampton remains unconvinced, however, and informs him that her investigation has led her to believe Harry (who has links to all the dead) is the killer. The Superintendent has her removed from the case and transferred to another department. The late-night, no-knock raids on various gang members of the estate results in a riot, with teenagers from across the area coming to "join the fun" in attacking the police. As the estate burns, Harry discharges himself from hospital and heads off to get his final vengeance on the vindictive Winters. DI Frampton, fearful for both Harry and Winters safety, takes a cynical DS Hicock into the rioting estate to find the pair before more blood is spilled. In the process the two police detectives are attacked by yobs and Hicock is badly injured. Harry rescues them and takes them to Sid's pub, where he tells Sid to phone an ambulance.

While Sid is out of the room Frampton drops a bombshell on Harry, telling him that Sid is Winters' uncle and therefore Sid has actually been part of the gang all along. Searching the pub, Harry finds both Winters and Sid, and shows Sid the phone footage of what his nephew did to Leonard. Sid seems horrified by it, but tells Harry he cannot allow his blood relative to be murdered too. Harry, torn between his friendship and still suffering from emphysema, is tricked into turning his pistol over to Sid, who proceeds to beat Harry up.

In the climax, Frampton tries to phone for armed backup but is stopped by Winters. Taking charge, Sid tells Winters the only solution is to kill Harry, Hicock and Frampton, and then dump their bodies outside. Sid suffocates the injured Hicock to death with his bare hands, while Winters begins strangling Frampton. Suddenly Harry draws a hidden revolver and shoots Winters dead. Just as the anguished Sid goes to shoot Harry with Harry's own gun a pair of laser sight appear on his chest - showing Frampton's call to her superiors did make it through. Before Sid can fire he is shot dead by CO19 armed response officers.

At a conference held after the riot, SI Childs explains that DS Hicock would be given a posthumous commendation and that the actions of the police helped lower crime on the estate, going on to refute claims that a "vigilante" had anything to do with it. The final scene is of Harry Brown walking toward the underpass, which is now quiet and safe.





user rating : 7,6 / 10

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