Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Toho Cinderella 7th place! The chief of the scouts Masami Nagasawa

Toho Cinderella 7th place! The chief of the scouts Masami Nagasawa

[ Film News] 50th anniversary commemoration of Toho, which started in 1984, "Toho Cinderella Audition" will be revived after five years, June 21, Shinemamediaju of Odaiba in Tokyo. " Toho Cinderella Audition "7th press conference was held. Maki Mizuno 2nd Special Jury Prize, the fifth Grand Prix Nagasawa Masami, to audition as a scout team of PR Cinderella.

Mizuno was appointed Director of Scouting, "the actress first started working with them to sit around, became more and more crazy. I've finally promoted to manager, I (1st Grand Prix) are Sawaguti Yasuko boss said. Currently, the trip to Kyoto Orimashi "greeting. Also, did you auditioned for "dumped from the boys. Actresses but I thought it would be a special person, and I was wondering if someone won a prize chagrined. It is revenge," recalls then I was too embarrassed crying in the dressing room swimsuit contest, Toho officials "tears of regret that the Grand Prix of synchronization. have the guts" to mistake, the episode led to the agreement showed.

The men's Mizuno Nagasawa and falls chief said, "I feel like recruits still want to work hard for the juniors now enter the Toho" ll talk about who audition at the age of 12, "Wanted I love the ad manager (Mizuno) who were on a photo so. At the time, there is also interest in the model's job. " Mizuno has served as a judge of the 5th, "I thought a quick way to take the part. And I'm good reflexes," recalled a performance review and Nagasawa.

MIZUNO "The Toho stage, film, since it the production of television programs, would be better to have various activities. Toho so serious, we look forward to applications for people with guts in earnest," Nagasawa "People with a good view of the world and feel that he could only move people," Cinderella and the future Yale. Mr. Takai Hideyuki who attended the meeting (President, Entertainment, Toho Co. Ltd. and Toho President) said, "will be more competitors in the company spirit want to work hard" and encouraged the two of Mizuno and Nagasawa was.

Toho Cinderella Audition will start seventh entry from July 1 to determine the Grand Prix in late January 2011. First, second screening will be conducted in other national theater TOHO Cinemas, web review, and a new attempt will also be screening camp. Application deadline is September 6.

[PV] Stereopony - OVER DRIVE

Stereopony - OVER DRIVE


FLOW - MICROCOSM [ 2010-6-16 ]

Track List:
  1. -Echoes-
  2. Calling
  3. Sign
  4. Union
  5. Atmosphere
  6. Planetarium
  7. -Core-
  8. Freedom
  9. Enemy
  10. Soul Red
  11. Luna
  12. Tonight
  13. Ambience
  14. To-o-ku-e
  15. -F.O.E-



CD tracklist :

01. 新世紀のラブソング (Shinsekai no Love Song)

02. マジックディスク (Magic Disc)

03. 双子葉 (Soushiyou)

04. さよならロストジェネレイション (Sayonara Lost Generation)

05. 迷子犬と雨のビート (Maigoinu to Ame no Beat)

06. 青空と黒い猫 (Aozora to Kuroi Neko)

07. 架空生物のブルース (Kakuu Seibutsu no Blues)

08. ラストダンスは悲しみを乗せて (Last Dance wa Kanashimi wo Nosete)

09. マイクロフォン (Microphone)

10. ライジングサン (Rising Sun)

11. イエス (Yes)

12. 橙 (Daidai)

13. ソラニン (Soranin)



02. extra feature "off shot"

Tamaki Matsumoto - small nature

Tracklist :

1 Sunshine

2 Sunshine [music clip]

3 ありがとうね

4 A Place for Us

5 いちご畑で夢見てる

6 Vanilla Sky

7 静かな夜

8 春うらら

9 天子的憲法四条 (TVアニメ「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2」より)

10 オレンジかんだら (TVアニメ


11 くっつけはっつけワンダーランド -album mix- (TVアニメ「ケロロ軍曹」EDテーマより)

12 星夜 (TVアニメ「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2」より)

:: download ::

Toshinobu Kubota – LOVE RAIN~Koi no Ame~

LOVE RAIN~恋の雨~ [Single, Maxi]
~ 久保田利伸 / Kubota Toshinobu
CD (2010/6/16)

In 1996, singer-songwriter Kubota Toshinobu wrote the funky R&B song La La La Love Song, which was appointed the theme song of the Kimura Takuya romantic TV drama Long Vacation. Both the drama and the song became major hits and have since been engrained into Japanese pop culture. Fourteen years later, Kubota recreates the magic with Love Rain – Koi no Ame, the theme song for the new Kimura Takuya romantic TV drama Moon Lovers. A funky, breezy R&B dance song in the vein of La La La Love Song, Love Rain is easily one of the best drama theme songs of the year.

Tracklist :

1. LOVE RAIN ~恋の雨~
2. TimeLess Affection ~Full version~
3. LOVE RAIN ~恋の雨~ (Instrumental)


Tatsuro Yamashita – Machi Monogatari

Over his 35-year career, Yamashita Tatsuro has seen quite a few of his songs used as drama theme songs. His catchy 1980 single Ride on Time was used for the hit Kimura Takuya drama Good Luck!, and his last drama theme song was only two years ago with Zutto Isssho sa for the romance Bara no nai Hanaya. Now, his latest single Machi Monogatari is being used for the TBS murder mystery series Shinzanmono, starring Abe Hiroshi. With its funky nostalgic sound, Machi Monogatari is a song fans of both the drama and good old retro pop will love.

01 街物語(まちものがたり)

02 ついておいで(FOLLOW ME ALONG) (’09 Live Version)

03 街物語(まちものがたり) (Original Karaoke)

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

ghostnote - Ai,I,Ai

ghostnote - Ai,I,Ai

download via :


[PV] Aya Kamiki - the Light

[PV] Aya Kamiki - the Light


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Ramen Dingin, Okonomiyaki dan Takoyaki, Wow Layak Dicoba
Desika Pemita

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13/06/2010 10:40 | Makanan, Kyoto: Makanan Jepang bukan hanya sushi, sashimi, sukiyaki, teriyaki, dan tempura. Masih banyak makanan khas Jepang lainnya yang patut untuk dicoba seperti Ramen, Okonomiyaki dan Takoyaki yang memiliki rasa enak. Makanan seperti apakah mereka?

1. Ramen Dingin
Masakan mi kuah Jepang ini berasal dari Cina. Orang Jepang juga menyebut ramen sebagai chuka soba. Ramen disajikan di restoran dari Mei hingga September. Ramen direbus dan kemudian didinginkan dalam air dingin, kemudian dituangkan ke dalam mangkuk tanpa kaldu apapun. Kadang-kadang ramen ini juga disediakan dengan beberapa buah es batu di dalamnya.

Di atas ramen umumnya ditambahkan penyedap berupa beraneka ragam lauk seperti, chasiu, menma, telur rebus, sayuran hijau (seperti bayam), irisan daun bawang, nori, atau narutomaki sebagai hiasan. Telur rebus untuk ramen biasanya berwarna coklat karena direbus di dalam kuah bekas rebusan chasiu.

Sayuran sekaligus penyedap yang paling umum untuk ramen adalah irisan daun bawang. Sebelum ditambahkan ke dalam ramen, sebagian penjual ramen lebih dulu menggoreng irisan daun bawang di dalam minyak goreng.

Sebuah biji wijen atau saus kecap atau saus berbasis biasanya digunakan untuk ramen dingin, sejumput mustard Jepang panas adalah di sisi mangkuk untuk campuran dengan ramen tersebut, kemudian ditutup dengan topping dingin. Ketimun, telur, dan daging adalah yang paling umum. Biasanya topping tersebut dipotong panjang, namun anda juga dapat menemukan lapisan lain pada ramen dingin Anda.

2. Okonomiyaki
Makanan Jepang dengan bahan tepung terigu yang diencerkan dengan air atau dashi, ditambah kol, telur ayam, makanan laut atau daging babi dan digoreng di atas penggorengan datar yang disebut teppan. Okonomiyaki adalah salah satu jenis masakan teppanyaki yang bisa dimakan begitu saja atau sebagai lauk teman nasi putih.

Okonomiyaki sering dimakan dengan sendok datar yang disebut kote (hera) yang juga berfungsi sebagai sodet sewaktu membalik okonomiyaki. Dalam bahasa Jepang, berarti okonomi apa yang Anda sukai dan yakini berarti panggang. Okonomiyaki memiliki dua bagian yaitu adonan dan bahan yang ditambahkan ke dalamnya. Adonan termasuk telur, terigu, dan irisan kol.

Sarana ditambahkan ke adonan sangat bervariasi dan bisa salah satu atau lebih seperti, daging, gurita, cumi, udang, kerang, remis, tiram, sayuran, natto, kimchi, mochi, dan keju. Biasanya orang-orang Jepang membuat Okonomiyaki dan memakan di rumah, namun mereka lebih suka makan okonomiyaki di restoran.

Beberapa restoran melayani Okonomiyaki standar, artinya pelayan akan langsung membawa Anda sepiring Okonomiyaki yang telah Anda pesan. Namun, sebagian orang Jepang lebih suka makan Okonomiyaki di restoran restoran di mana Anda memasak sendiri okonomiyaki kesukaan Anda.

3. Takoyaki
Makanan yang berasal dari daerah Kansai di Jepang, berbentuk bola-bola kecil dengan diameter 3-5 cm yang dibuat dari adonan tepung terigu diisi potongan gurita di dalamnya. Takoyaki menggunakan kata yaki yang sama seperti Anda dapat menemukan dalam Okonomiyaki dan banyak makanan Jepang lainnya.

Tidak seperti okonomiyaki dan ramen, takoyaki adalah makanan kecil. Takoyaki biasanya dijual sebagai jajanan di pinggir jalan untuk dinikmati sebagai cemilan. Takoyaki biasa dijual dalam bentuk set dengan satu set berisi 5, 6, 8 hingga 10 buah takoyaki yang disajikan di atas lembaran plastik berbentuk perahu, atau dimasukkan ke dalam kemasan plastik transparan untuk dibawa pulang. Sewaktu ada matsuri atau perayaan sering dijumpai kios penjual takoyaki sebesar bola tenis (jambotako) yang menjual takoyaki secara satuan.

Saat ini, masakan khas Jepang sudah lebih mudah di temukan di manapun. Jadi Anda tidak harus pergi ke Jepang jika hanya ingin merasakan ramen dingin, okonomiyaki, ataupun takoyaki. Selamat mencoba dan memanjakan lidah Anda.(japanlifestyle/wiki/DES/AYB)


Sashimi is thinly sliced, raw seafood. Many different kinds of fresh fish and seafood are served raw in the Japanese cuisine. Sashimi, while similar to sushi, is distinct for its absence of vinigered rice. When slices of fish are served on top of a small ball of rice, it is called nigiri zushi.

Sashimi is usually beautifully arranged and served on top of shredded daikon and shiso leaves. The sashimi pieces are dipped into a dish of soya sauce before being eaten. The daikon and shiso can also be dipped in soya sauce and eaten; both have a fresh, minty taste. Depending on the kind of sashimi, wasabi or ground ginger may accompany the dish and be added to the sashimi as a condiment.

Some of the most popular kinds of sashimi are:

  • Maguro: Tuna
  • Toro: Fatty Tuna
  • Ebi: Prawn
  • Saba: Mackerel
  • Ika: Squid
  • Tako: Octopus


Sushi is the most famous Japanese dish outside of Japan, and one of the most popular dishes among the Japanese themselves. In Japan, sushi is usually enjoyed on special occasions, such as a celebration.

During the Edo period, "sushi" refered to pickled fish conserved in vinegar. Nowadays sushi can be defined as a dish containing rice which has been prepared with sushi vinegar. There are many different types of sushi. Some popular ones are:

Small rice balls with fish, shellfish, etc. on top. There are countless varieties of nigirizushi, some of the most common ones being tuna, shrimp, eel, squid, octopus and fried egg.
Small cups made of sushi rice and dried seaweed filled with seafood, etc. There are countless varieties of gunkanzushi, some of the most common ones being sea urchin and various kinds of fish eggs.
Sushi rice and seafood, etc. rolled in dried seaweed sheets. There are countless varieties of sushi rolls differing in ingredients and thickness. Sushi rolls prepared "inside out" are very popular outside of Japan, but rarely found in Japan.
Temakizushi (literally: hand rolls) are cones made of nori seaweed and filled with sushi rice, seafood and vegetables.
Oshizushi is pressed sushi, in which the fish is pressed onto the sushi rice in a wooden box. The picture shows trout oshizushi in form of a popular ekiben (train station lunch box).
Inarizushi is a simple and inexpensive type of sushi, in which sushi rice is filled into aburaage (deep fried tofu) bags.
Chirashizushi is a dish in which seafood, mushroom and vegetables are spread over sushi rice. It can resemble domburi with the difference being that chirashizushi uses sushi rice while domburi uses regular, unseasoned rice.

Note that "sushi" becomes "zushi" in word combinations in which "sushi" is the second word, e.g. nigirizushi.

Penyusup Tim Inggris 'Hanya Ingin ke Toilet'

Penyusup Tim Inggris 'Hanya Ingin ke Toilet'
Suporter nekat tersebut teridentifikasi sebagai pria bernama Pavlos Joseph.
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010, 17:48 WIB
Edwan Ruriansyah, Marco Tampubolon
Timnas Inggris (

VIVAnews - Suporter yang berhasil menerobos ke ruang ganti timnas Inggris usai laga kontra Aljazair, 18 Juni 2010 sudah teridentifikasi. Suporter tersebut mengaku awalnya hanya berniat untuk mencari toilet.

Inggris hanya mampu bermain imbang 0-0 saat bertemu Aljazair di Stadion Cape Town. Hasil imbang ini membuat pendukung Three Lions kecewa karena peluang timnya untuk melaju ke babak 16 besar semakin kecil.

Salah seorang di antaranya dikabarkan telah menerobos pengamanan panitia dan masuk ke kamar ganti timnas Inggris. Suporter tersebut bahkan dikabarkan sempat terlibat adu mulut dengan David Beckham.

Panitia penyelenggara Piala Dunia 2010 telah mengumumkan hasil investigasinya. Seperti diberitakan Sunday Mirror, suporter nekat tersebut teridentifikasi sebagai pria bernama Pavlos Joseph.

Joseph meupakan suporter salah satu klub Liga Inggris, Manchester United. Dalam pengakuannya, Joseph membantah sengaja menerobos pengamanan untuk bisa masuk ke kamar ganti.

Joseph bahkan tidak sadar sudah berada di kamar ganti Three Lions. Saat itu pemain-pemain Inggris mulai menatapnya dengan wajah sedih. Dia juga mengaku tak pernah berniat untuk melontarkan kekecewaannya kepada mereka.

"Saat itu saya hanya mencari toilet," katanya menjelaskan.

Awalnya, Joseph yang kaget tidak bereaksi. Namun, dia baru melontarkan kekecewaannya setelah David Beckham menanyakan keberadaan dirinya. Meski tidak tampil, Beckham merupakan salah satu ofisial timnas Inggris.

"Saya menatap mata Beckham. Saya mengatakan 'David, kita telah menghabiskan banyak uang untuk sampai di sini. Ini sangat mengecewakan. Apa yang akan Anda lakukan dengan hal ini?' katanya.

Sebelum diamankan panitia, Joseph menyempatkan diri untuk melontarkan kekecewaannya kepada para pemain. "Itu (penampilan timnas Inggris) sangat menyedihkan dan tidak cukup baik," tandasnya.

Federasi sepakbola Inggris, FA secara resmi mengajukan protes kepada FIFA atas kejadian ini. Apalagi insiden ini terjadi sesaat setelah kunjungan Pangeran Inggris, William dan Harry. (one)

• VIVAnews

Japan World Cup 2010 chances dim

Japan World Cup 2010 chances dim

The lackluster Japanese national soccer team is likely to be knocked out of the Cup early on.
Mark Starr
A Japan fan waits in the stands before a World Cup match against Brazil in Dortmund, Germany on June 22, 2006. (Kimimasa Mayama/Reuters) Click to enlarge photo

Japan World Cup Team Statistics: Group E

World Ranking: 45

World Cup 2010 Results: 1-1-0

Total goals scored: 1

Total goals scored against: 1

Japan World Cup Schedule: June 14 - Cameroon (1-0 win); June 19 - Netherlands (0-1 loss); June 24 - Denmark.

Japan World Cup Soccer 2010

Soccer still lags well behind baseball when it comes to the national sporting passion. But since 1998, when Japan first secured a place in the international soccer tournament, “The Blue Samurai” have developed a large, enthusiastic and knowledgeable following.

Many Japanese sports fans, particularly women, have embraced soccer as a counterpoint to baseball, which they deride as the sport of “salarymen.” Soccer has also provided young Japanese with an outlet for an acceptable, even endearing form of nationalism. They wave the flag with pride, but without menace.

Read all of GlobalPost's World Cup 2010 coverage

Indeed, the Japanese may rank — for all the familiar behaviors that appear to place them in the mainstream — as the best behaved, most polite and, ultimately, most forgiving fans. Some believe if they were less forgiving, it might ratchet up the pressure on an overly complacent team and prod it to ascend to the next level. South Africa could provide the fan test that prompts that change.

Japan World Cup History: Japan’s first World Cup qualification didn’t come until France ’98, but it hasn’t missed the tournament since. Still, it has never won a Cup game outside of Japan and only reached the second round when it hosted in 2002.

Take GlobalPost's World Cup quiz.

Japan World Cup Conventional Wisdom: Japanese media are stirring up excitement about prospects in South Africa. But with two European powers and a strong African side in its group, Japan can probably book an early flight home.

Japan World Cup Team Coach: Takeshi Okada

After flopping with Brazilian coach Zico in 2006, Japan brought back Okada, who ushered the team to its first Cup a dozen years ago. Okada is popular — amiable and conscientious — but he is prone to extreme caution, even by the World Cup’s ultra-conservative standards. In France, his team packed it in on defense and surrendered only four goals — but scored just once and lost all three first-round games.

Japan World Cup Team Strength: Japan has great midfield depth, including a number of accomplished free-kick specialists. Set plays would appear to represent the team’s best shot to net some goals in South Africa.

Japan World Cup Team Weakness: Take your pick; a front line that has trouble scoring or a defense that is prone to panic under pressure. Not a winning combination.

Japan World Cup Key Player: Shunsuke Nakamura

Though he now patrols the midfield for the Yokohama F Marinos, the 31-year-old veteran can call on his considerable experience in the Italian, Scottish and Spanish leagues, where he proved deft on the ball as well as in delivering feathery passes to his teammates. (He was the first Japanese player ever to score in a Champions League contest.) Indeed Nakamura may be the sole world-class talent on the squad. With his array of sublime skills, he is capable of embarrassing opponents with his open-field moves or stunning them with his free kicks. But he is less dangerous in isolation and, with Japan, finds himself alone too often.

Anelka: Persetan denganmu, Dasar Anak Jalang

TEMPO Interaktif, Polokwane - Striker Perancis Nicolas Anelka kembali membuat onar. Penyerang 31 tahun ini berang saat pelatih Raymond Domenech menudingnya bermain buruk saat Perancis ketinggalan 0-2 dari Meksiko di pertandingan kedua Grup A, Jumat lalu.

Suasana panas di ruang ganti dibeberkan harian olahraga Perancis, L'Equipe, Sabtu (19/6). Di ruang ganti Stadion Peter Mokaba, usai babak pertama, Domenech meminta Anelka tidak bermain di luar posisi. Anelka dianggap sebagai pemain terburuk di paruh waktu pertama dan diancam akan diganti di babak kedua.

Di luar dugaan, Anelka berang. "Persetan denganmu, dasar anak jalang," ujarnya, berpekik.

Pelatih Domenech langsung bereaksi. "OK, kau keluar," ujarnya. Dia lalu mengganti penyerang yang sudah menyumbang 14 gol dari 69 caps untuk Prancis itu dengan Andre-Pierre Gignac. Keesokan harinya, Anelka tidak tampak di kamp pelatihan Prancis di Knysa.

Prediksi Slovakia Vs Paraguay

Prediksi Slovakia Vs Paraguay.


In their opening match yesterday, Slovakia get draw 1-1 against New Zealand. In their last match, they will face one team from the United Latin Paraguay. Slovakia could certainly be difficult to win games, and could be They will be squandered.

As against New Zealand, overall, Slovakia played pretty good, but unfortunately, they are still difficulties in scoring.

Prediction Slovakia Player (4-4-2): Mucha, Zabavnik, Skrtel, Durica, Cech; Weiss, Strba, Hamsik, Stoch; Vittek, Sestak.
Last Action Three Slovak:
Slovakia 1-1 New Zealand, Group F Round allowance
Slovakia 3-0 Costa Rica, 06/05/2010
Slovakia 1-1 Cameroon, 29/052010


Ability to draw with Italy in the match holding Prime, Paraguay could be ascertained underdog in the match on June 20, 2010 at 18:30 later. Most likely, Paraguay eager to win the game, see the representatives of Latin America such as Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and Brazil could win both Laga to each other.

Have a bad record, Paraguay never qualify for the World Cup second round. However, since able to beat Brazil and Argentina in the qualifiers, Paraguay’s public hoping his team does not just present at the World Cup and went home early.

Prediction Paraguay Players (4-3-3): Villar, Bonet, Da Silva, Alcazar, Morel; Vera, Caceres, Riveros, Santa Cruz, Valdes, Lucas

Three Laga Last Paraguay:
Paraguay 1-1 Italy, Group F Stage
Paraguay 0-2 Greece, 02/06/2010
Paraguay 2-2 Ivory Coast, 30/05/2010

Prediction Slovakia vs. Paraguay, Paraguay could probably win the game with a result or Wealth Score 0-1, 0-2 or 1-2.

Absennya playmaker Andrea Pirlo membuat permainan Italia jadi miskin kreativitas

Pelatih Italia, Marcello Lippi.
Minggu,20 Juni 2010 | 06:21 WIB
Lippi: Bikin Gol!

NELSPRUIT, — Pelatih tim nasional Italia, Marcello Lippi, mulai hilang kesabaran terhadap barisan penyerangnya yang dinilai tumpul. Jelang pertandingan kedua melawan Selandia Baru, Lippi memerintahkan para striker-nya untuk mencetak gol.

Sejalan dengan keinginannya, Lippi pun telah menyiapkan formasi 4-4-2 agar Italia bisa bermain lebih menyerang. Dengan dua striker di barisan depan, mantan pelatih Juventus itu berharap, Italia mampu menjebol gawang lawan.

"Jika kalian tidak pernah melakukan serangan di area menembak, maka kalian tak akan pernah bisa mencetak gol. Saat rekanmu mendapat bola, kalian tidak bisa hanya menunggu dan melihat mereka beraksi. Kalian harus terus menyerang atau kalian tak akan pernah mendapatkan gol," seru Lippi di sesi latihan Italia, seperti dikutip dari soccernet.

Juara Dunia 2006 itu memang terlihat kesulitan untuk mencetak gol saat melawan Paraguay. Bahkan, "Gli Azzurri" sempat tertinggal lebih dulu. Absennya playmaker Andrea Pirlo membuat permainan Italia jadi miskin kreativitas. Alhasil, penyerang sekelas Vicenzo Iaquinta pun gagal menunjukkan tajinya.

Beruntung Italia masih punya Daniele De Rossi. Gelandang AS Roma itu berhasil menyelamatkan muka Italia dari ambang kekalahan setelah mencetak gol balasan pada menit ke-63.

Denmark Edges Cameroon 2-1, Lions First to be Eliminated

Heartbreak for the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon today as they became the first team eliminated from the 2010 World Cup following a 2-1 loss to Denmark. Thus Cameroon have played their last meaningful World Cup for at least 4 years as the final match against the Netherlands is just for pride. Some thoughts on the match:

-Paul Le Guen actually got the line up right today with one exception. He fielded 10 of the 11 players I suggested in my post on whether the Lions could be fixed or not. And we saw what Cameroon were capable of as an attacking force as a result. The line up was
Hamidou-Mbia, Nkoulou, Bassong, Assou Ekotto-Geremi, Enoh, A. Song-Emana-Webó, Eto’o

-The one spot where he didn’t get it right was starting Enoh over Makoun. In the Japan game I felt that Enoh was the worst player on the pitch as he needlessly gave possession away time and time again. Today he played a dreadful first 45 minutes and was given the hook for Makoun at the start of the second half.

-Benoît Assou Ekotto can be a very valuable offensive weapon for Cameroon. Today he was a complete defensive liability and it cost the Indomitable Lions.

-Achille Webó put in a much better performance today. He needed to step up and he did so. He intercepted Christian Poulsen’s lazy pass (Were Juventus fans laughing or crying when they saw that?) and fed Eto’o for the Cameroon goal. And he never stopped working for the second goal the rest of the way. Webó redeemed himself today as did most of his teammates.

-Samuel Eto’o was played centrally today and what happened? He delivered a world class performance. He scored the goal and hit the post later on. He also created a number of chances for his teammates throughout. In short he was a danger man the entire game. A captain’s performance and one that deserved to be rewarded with at least a point.

South Africa Soccer WCup Cameroon Denmark

-What happened to the Cameroon attack today? Achille Emana and Geremi started that is what. And Eto’o was played in his real position. Emana was a real weapon today and the Danes struggled to deal with him. Emana went on a great solo run that saw him get past three Danish players, unfortunately he did not have the finish that would have capped a superb goal, one we would be seeing for some time. Emana was also denied late on in the game by a stunning save by keeper Thomas Sørensen, a save which sealed the win for Denmark and consigned Cameroon to elimination. For Emana it was a performance that only lacked a goal, a goal which would have kept Cameroon in the competition, though admittedly on life support. Geremi was also an improvement as he provided width to the midfield and crossing into the box. Something Enoh and Matip could not do.

-Alexandre Song showed why he should have been preferred to Joël Matip against Japan with a classy performance including a goal saving clearance. Why he was ever dropped is another question entirely.

-I never would have thought Vincent Aboubakar would see the pitch during the World Cup unless it was a meaningless match. Not only did he play but he came on as Cameroon were desperately seeking an equalizer and Aboubakar had a great chance at getting it only to see his strike deflected away by a Danish defender.

South Africa Soccer WCup Cameroon Denmark

While it was good to see Le Guen get his line up almost spot on today, it came too little too late. And that can be blamed on only one man: Paul Le Guen. In essence Le Guen wasted Cameroon’s first game of the tournament. When you are only guaranteed three matches, wasting one is not an option. If this was the Champions League or a Domestic campaign then fine. But at the World Cup it was unacceptable. Especially since it came against the opponent that looked to be the most winnable match. For a manager to get his line up and tactics so spectacularly wrong in an opening match of a competition with just three guaranteed games is stunning. Cameroon today may have lost but they showed what they are capable of when a logical starting 11 is fielded. What would 90 minutes of Emana meant against Japan? What would 90 minutes of Eto’o playing as a striker meant against Japan? On the basis of Cameroon’s match today I believe it would have meant a win. Pure speculation I know but I truly believe had today’s starting 11 started against Japan then Cameroon would have entered this match with 3 points. And that could have changed the outcome today as Cameroon would have been under much less pressure. Instead they have been eliminated from the World Cup at the group stages for the 4th time since the 1990 team stunned the world.

And that failure is on Paul Le Guen for playing a line up that would not have even made sense in a friendly against Japan.