There are also cuts taken while under the influence of alcohol or makeup
Are likely to face a packed calendar of iodine Nagasawa Masami-chan.
Source : Amazon
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Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 17.35 0 komentar
Label: masami nagasawa
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 17.29 0 komentar
Label: masami nagasawa
Movie Info
Movie Title ….[ Management
IMDB Link ......[
Release Year ...[ 2008
Release Type ...[ DVDRip scRop
Genre ..........[ Comedy | Romance
Language .......[ English
Runtime ........[ 01:26:11
Frame rate......[ 25.00 fps
Resolution .....[ 848 x 448
Video C ........[ x264
Audio C ........[ Nero AAC Stereo
File Size ......[ 250MB
Subtitle .......[ Mome
±Container ......[ Matroska (.mkv)
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 00.51 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 17.09 0 komentar
Label: J-music
Artist: aiko | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| Artist: Koda Kumi | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 17.07 0 komentar
Label: oricon charts
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 16.46 0 komentar
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 07.12 0 komentar
Label: J-music, soundtrack
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 07.05 0 komentar
Label: J.Movies
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.59 0 komentar
Label: J.Movies
Tomorrow is the Another Day (November 7, 2002)
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.52 1 komentar
Label: J-music
Sign (February 1, 2006)
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.25 0 komentar
Label: J-music
Allegro (March 14, 2007)
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.22 0 komentar
Label: J-music
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 03.56 0 komentar
Label: PV
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 03.51 0 komentar
Label: J-music
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 03.46 0 komentar
Label: PV
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 03.32 0 komentar
Label: J-music
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 04.01 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Juno (Natalie Mendoza), Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) and Beth (Alex Reid) are whitewater rafting in Scotland. Sarah's husband Paul (Oliver Milburn) and their daughter Jessica (Molly Kayll) wave and cheer from the bank. On the drive home, distracted Paul allows their car to drift into the path of an oncoming vehicle, causing a head-on collision. Paul and Jessica are killed instantly, but Sarah survives. One year later, Juno, Sarah, Beth, Sam (MyAnna Buring) and Rebecca (Saskia Mulder) are reunited at a rustic cabin in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA. Holly (Nora-Jane Noone), Juno's new friend, is introduced. As they reminisce over an old photo of Juno, Sarah, and Beth, Sarah says "Love each day", explaining that it was a saying of her late husband's. The next morning the group goes caving. When the group breaks for lunch in a huge gallery, Juno tearfully apologizes to Sarah for not being around for her after the accident, but Sarah is distant. The next passage collapses behind the group and Sarah barely makes it through. After a heated discussion, Juno admits that she has led them into an unknown cave system, instead of the fully explored cave system they had originally planned for. The only people who were told about their expedition think they are at the other cave system, making rescue impossible. They are trapped with no way out. Privately, Juno tells Sarah that she led them into the unknown cave hoping to restore their relationship, but Sarah rebuffs her. Pressing on, they discover a cave painting, which Beth interprets as signifying that there are two exits to the cave, giving them some hope.
Holly falls down a hole and breaks her leg. Sam sets Holly's fracture with a splint and they carry her along. As the others help Holly, Sarah wanders off and observes a pale, humanoid creature drinking at a pool. It scampers off into the darkness when Sarah gasps. The others think Sarah imagined it, but Sarah insists that she saw someone. Soon after they are attacked by one of the creatures, referred to as "crawlers" in the credits. The group scatters and the crawler kills Holly. Sarah trips and falls and passes out. Juno is attacked from behind by a crawler, but manages to kill it. Immediately after, Beth approaches Juno from behind. Startled, Juno whirls around and stabs Beth through the neck with her ice-axe. Beth grabs Juno's pendant as she falls. Juno stumbles away even as Beth reaches out to her. Juno eventually locates Sam and Rebecca and rescues them from a crawler. Juno tells them she may have found a way out, but will not leave without Sarah. The others reluctantly agree to help her search. Meanwhile, Sarah awakens and encounters the mortally wounded Beth, who tells Sarah that Juno wounded her and left her. Sarah does not believe her until Beth gives her Juno's pendant, which is inscribed with the words "love each day". Beth reveals that Sarah's husband was having an affair with Juno. Beth, in extreme pain, asks Sarah to euthanize her, and Sarah reluctantly complies. Sarah soon encounters and kills a young crawler, a female crawler, and a male crawler in quick succession. Elsewhere, Juno, Sam and Rebecca are pursued by a large group of crawlers. Crawlers kill Sam and Rebecca, and Juno leaps into a chasm to escape.
Juno climbs out of the chasm and is helped onto a ledge by Sarah. Sarah asks Juno if she saw Beth die, and Juno nods. The two cautiously make their way through passages until they encounter a group of crawlers and defeat them. Sarah then faces Juno, and reveals that she has Juno's pendant. Then Sarah swings the pickaxe at Juno. Juno is distracted by the screams of the crawlers and is unable to timely avoid Sarah's attack. She is impaled through the leg. Juno pulls the pickaxe free and turns to face a large group of crawlers. As Sarah flees, she hears Juno's screams, which abruptly fall silent. Sarah falls down a hole and is knocked unconscious. Sarah awakens, scrambles up a huge pile of bones towards daylight, squeezes through a narrow opening onto the surface, runs to her vehicle and speeds off. Suddenly, Sarah sees Juno sitting next to her, her face streaked with blood. Sarah screams and awakens to find herself still in the cavern. She sees her smiling daughter close by and a birthday cake between them. The field of view widens to reveal that Sarah is hallucinating and she is actually staring at a torch. The calls of the crawlers grow louder, but Sarah is oblivious.[1]
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 03.32 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 07.02 0 komentar
Label: masami nagasawa
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.50 0 komentar
Label: J-music
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.32 0 komentar
Label: PV
Oricon asked 800 men and women in their teens or twenties about who they would like to give their Valentine’s Chocolate to, whom they would like to receive it from and what would be the best song for the moment of the delivery.
Men’s Choice – Female celebrities you would like to receive chocolate from
01 – Nagasawa Masami … 02 – Aragaki Yui 03 – Horikita Maki 04 – Miyazaki Aoi 05 – Ueto Aya | I always see her handmade chocolate in CMs etc and really would like to taste it. It seems like she would be very shy when handing over the chocolate. I’d like to receive my chocolate from a very cute person, like her image in the Pocky CMs. I’d be glad to receive chocolate from a kind elder-sister-type of girl like her. She seems like the nicest and most adorable girl I know. Seeing her smile while receiving the chocolate would catapult me straight into heaven. |
Girls’ Choice – Male celebrities you would like to give your chocolate
01 – Sato Takeru 02 – Mukai Osamu 03 – Sakurai Sho 04 – Fukuyama Masaharu 05 – Miura Haruma | He would probably take your chocolate and immediately understand your feelings. He seems so kind that he would probably be glad about any kind of chocolate. He would probably accept the chocolate from anyone, whether he likes her or not. I’d like him to know that I’m worried about him and his busy schedule every day. In all his serious dorama roles he looks so mature, but he actually has such a cute natural smile. |
Your favorite Valentine’s song
01: Kokusho Sayuri – "Valentine Kiss"
02: Perfume – "Chocolate Disco"
03: Arashi – "Love so sweet"
04: YUI – "CHE.R.RY"
05: Otsuka Ai – "Sakuranbo"
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 06.17 0 komentar
Label: masami nagasawa
As radio show host Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) and her fiancé David (Naveen Andrews) are walking their dog at Stranger's Gate in New York's Central Park, they are attacked by three violent criminals. David dies from his injuries, but Erica survives. Unhappy with the police response and unable to deal with the psychological trauma caused by the assault, she attempts to purchase a gun. Unwilling to wait the month required to obtain a notice of approval, she acquires a Kahr K9 illegally, and is drawn into a world of vigilantism, killing random criminals and attempting to track down the thugs who killed David.
She strikes up a friendship with Detective Mercer (Terrence Howard), who is investigating the vigilante crimes and initially unaware of her role in the deaths, though over the course of the film he comes to suspect her as the killer. At the climax of the film, she finds and confronts the thugs responsible for the murder of David. She kills two, finding and releasing her dog in the process and struggles with the third. Mercer arrives on the scene and has the thug go prone. Erica then retrieves her weapon and attempts to execute the thug. Mercer convinces Erica to lower the gun, but hands her his own in order for her to use a legal weapon to kill the last thug.
She does and Mercer then instructs her to shoot him in the shoulder so he can make up a story that the thugs were the ones who went on the vigilante killing spree, until he tracked them down, the gunshot being a result of the confrontation. He places Erica's gun in the last thug's dead hand and Erica leaves the scene, eventually being rejoined by her dog.
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 02.42 0 komentar
Label: Movie
I saw this movie at an early screening and was delighted. I give this movie three stars out of four, or 8 of ten points for great characters, intrigue, and some startling action scenes. It looses the 2 points because it does tend to slow down a little and become more dramatic at times but if you are a Mel Gibson fan you probably won't mind that at all. This movie reminded me a little of Taken, with a whole lot of Enemy of the State, and just a touch of Jason Bourne. Mel Gibson is engaging in his first acting role in years, although he definitely looks older now. It's hard to watch Gibson here without thinking of Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon and there is some carryover but here Craven played by Gibson is the older, caring, Father who is also a cop although there is still some of of the craziness that made Mel so dynamic in a number of his roles. In some ways Mel reminded me here a little of Clint Eastwood in movies like Absolute Power and In the Line of Fire as the more mature protagonist who combines maturity and cunning with a fierce side that comes out in battle. It's not giving anything away to say that the story is about Mel Gibson's character trying to find out who killed his daughter as that much is in the trailer. Mel plays a veteran detective and so has skills and resources we civilians don't. The movie takes a while to develop and takes great pains to show the love of Craven for his daughter in the opening scenes and then periodically remind us in flashbacks. There are a lot of characters which seem to be critical to building the intrigue of the movie; activists, defense contractors, government officials and various henchmen. The movie does a good job for a while of hiding who is working for whom. Suspense does build for most of the movie but a good bit before the end it is evident what is going on and the movie shifts from an action thriller to more of an pure action movie. Ray Winstone plays an intriguing role as Jedburgh, deftly showing protagonist and antagonist sides at different times in a mysterious role. Danny Huston plays a multi-dimensional character, Jack Bennet, that is fun to watch. Bojana Novakovic as Emma Craven is a sweetheart. Jay O. Sanders plays a solid role as Detective Whitehouse. The movie is definitely heavy on violence and acting independent of authority although I don't remember any swearing or sex scenes. Still it requires a mature audience as the hero's actions are probably not ones you want your kids emulating in your house. As with so many movies it portrays sides of business and government at their worst. So,since it is light on sexuality and vulgarity I would suggest that if you let your older kids go that you still discuss the extreme portrayals of the police, use of force, business and government.
It's good to see Mel back in action.
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Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 02.36 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 02.25 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Nim (Abigail Breslin) is an 11-year-old girl, whose mother named Emily has died. Her father Jack Rusoe (Gerard Butler), a marine biologist, said she was swallowed by a blue whale after it was scared by a ship called the Buccaneers. She lives on an island in the South Pacific. She has some local animals for company: Selkie the sea lion, Fred the bearded dragon, Chicca the turtle, and Galileo the pelican. Jack goes by boat on a scientific mission of two days to find protozoa Nim (a new species of plankton); he wants to take her along, but she convinces him that she needs to stay to oversee the imminent hatching of Chicca's eggs and can manage on her own; they will be able to communicate by satellite phone.
Nim, who is fond of Alex Rover adventure books written by Alexandra Rover (Jodie Foster), receives an email addressed to her father with an inquiry about his field of knowledge. The sender "Alex Rover" seems to be the explorer, but is actually Alexandra, a neurotic San Franciscan who constantly sees her character Alex Rover (also Gerard Butler). An email conversation follows, where Nim first poses as her father's assistant and then goes to the volcano on the island to see what's inside it and is hurt in the process.
Jack suffers a shipwreck, which makes it impossible for Nim and Jack to communicate. Also, he does not return on the planned date. Throughout the movie, Galileo brings Jack things he needs to fix his ship. Nim explains the situation to "Alex". Although she suffers from agoraphobia and therefore never leaves the house or even opens the door, she travels to the island to rescue Nim.
The island is visited by tourists, taken by Nim to be pirates. Without exposing herself, she scares them away by catapulting lizards at them and making it look like volcano is about to erupt. One of the tourists, a young rich boy named Edmund, follows her and sees her. He is confused by her presence, and believes her to be another tourist. But when he tells the others, he isn't believed and punished from his GameBoy and television for a month by his parents for leaving them. The tourists leave. Alex arrives by helicopter at the tourists' boat and tells about her rescue mission. The tourists do not believe that a girl is on the island, but Edmund tells her what he had seen. Encouraged, Alex goes to the island and is saved by Nim from drowning. At first Nim doesn't want her to stay, but eventually allows her. Later Jack arrives on a raft still holding the plankton, and he and Alexandra fall in love.
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 02.23 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 02.09 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 02.02 0 komentar
Label: Movie
Diposting oleh ~sky~ di 01.57 0 komentar
Label: Movie